The story of Primo, Bor, Bondo, and Kindu is one of resilience, rescue, and the promise of a new life at Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary.
Primo, born on the 23rd of November 2020, found himself in the care of AAP after his former owner's mother sought help. Left alone in a cage, Primo exhibited aggressive behavior, and the owner relinquished legal ownership to AAP. Despite attempts by the former owner to reclaim Primo, AAP's commitment to ensuring proper ownership documentation led to Primo eventually finding a new forever home at Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary.
Bor's tale is a heartbreaking one, as she was confiscated from a private collector in the Netherlands. The collector, attempting to create a shelter or mini zoo, faced legal challenges due to inadequate licenses. Bor, among other animals, endured confinement in unsuitable conditions. Eventually, Bor was rescued and, on the 13th of December 2023, began her new life at Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary.
The bonded pair, Bondo and Kindu, predicted to have been born around the 15th of March 2020, faced uncertainty when their previous owner, also linked to Primo's story, reported them as strays. Despite claims of a friend taking them in, the servals were handed over to AAP due to the owner's fear and inability to care for them. Investigations revealed no legal proof of ownership, securing Bondo and Kindu's place at Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary.
The four servals embarked on a long journey from the Netherlands to Cape Town International Airport, arriving on the 13th of December 2023. The dedicated team at Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary awaited their arrival with newly prepared enclosures. Kindu was the first to explore her new surroundings, displaying curiosity and independence. Bondo quickly joined her, and the two servals acquainted themselves with their enclosure.
Primo, expressing his discontent upon release, dashed into his new home, leaving the team to wonder about his thoughts. Finally, the calm and composed Bor took her time, savoring every moment in the traveling crate before gracefully entering her enclosure.
As the four servals settled into their new lives at Jukani Wildlife Sanctuary, the dedicated staff looked forward to providing them with the care, space, and freedom they deserve. The sanctuary became their haven, promising a future filled with security and the chance to thrive in the company of other wild residents.