You can help us by visiting us.  Every cent spent at our sanctuaries helps us to care for wild animals and it also helps our sanctuaries to grow.

You can help us by volunteering your time or special skills. Can you take nice photo's, can you paint, can you write blogs, can you garden, can you film and edit videos? Any assistance is much appreciated here at our sanctuaries. For more information you can contact our volunteer coordinator Paula.

You can help by encouraging your friends and family members to say NO to wildlife petting.

You can help by saying YES to supporting sanctuaries and parks on the Green list of Wildchoices

You can help by sharing this site with your family and friends. Afterall #SharingIsCaring.

You can help buy donating directly to us

Click to Donate     Click to Donate     Click to Buy Land

The banking details for our Non-Profit is: 

  • The South African Animal Sanctuary Alliance (SAASA)
  • Account number: 62016396922
  • Branch code: 210-514
  • Swift code: FIRNZAJJ